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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Effect of Waxing on the Storage Life of "Carabao" Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Fruits Harvested at Different Maturity Stages

(Thailand), Master of Science in Horticulture (Central Luzon State University)

Thesis Abstract:


The response of carabao mango harvested at 80, 85, 90, and 95 days after bloom to waxing using Johnson wax and Shellac and stored under ambient condition (28-33°C) and in an air-conditioned room, where the temperature was maintained at 20°C, was evaluated. Waxed fruits retained weight ranging from 164 to 307 percent over the unwaxed fruits at full ripening. Storing fruits in an air-conditioned room decreased weight loss while fruits stored under ambient condition did not. Both waxing and low temperature were effective in reducing weight loss.

Number of days to CI2 (breaker stage) significantly decreased with delayed harvesting. Waxing and low temperature storage further delayed the breaker stage onset. Waxing was a more dominant factor than temperature in delaying the onset of the breaker stage. Beyond CI2, color change was rapid and independent of the external factors.

Waxing also accelerated softening of fruits, regardless of age of fruits at harvest and temperature. Firmer fruits were observed at low temperature storage but only at Cl2.

Titrable acidity consistently declined with ripening. Waxing and temperature showed inconsistent influence on titrable acidity. As ripening progressed, total soluble solid increased. Waxing likewise decreased total soluble solid while low temperature increased the value with ripening.

The pH of fruit at harvest was very low but it gradually increased with ripening. Higher pH was noted inunwaxed fruits while temperature did not show any definite pattern.

Early shriveling was noticed in unwaxed fruits while internal breakdown occurred in waxed fruits.