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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Planning Process in Manorom Agricultural Cooperative Limited (MACL), Manorom District, Chainat Province, Thailand

(Thailand), Master of Management in Rural Development Management (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Field Study Abstract:


The study aimed to identify and analyze the existing function of planning at the Manorom Agricultural Cooperative (MACL) in Manorom District, Chainat Province, Thailand.

Primary data were gathered by interviewing 140 members of the MACL, who were selected through stratified random sampling method. Secondary data were gathered through document reviews and observation of the actual planning process in the MACL.

The study found out that planning process in the MACL can be useful for any agricultural cooperatives, projects, and programs in rural development. Other agricultural cooperatives can learn from MACL that: 1) having clear-cut objectives paves the way for achievement and recognition and reduces the uncertainty and anxiety concerning how one is likely to be judged by superiors using standards known to all; 2) effective plans can only be prepared by equally effective and qualified people, thus, highly qualified Board of Directors (BOD), managers, and staff must be selected through popular voting; 3) help and support from the government can be both advantageous and disadvantageous; once the agricultural cooperative reached a certain point of maturity, the government should release some of its authoritative control over projects, programs, and organizations; 4) different types of plans should be prepared supportive of each other for better implementation; and 5) planning should involve all persons concerned in projects, programs, and organizations, especially those affecting them.