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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Factors Related to Motivation and Job Performance on Agricultural Extension Workers in Eastern Thailand

(Thailand), Doctor of Philosophy in Extension Education (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The study attempted to determine the level of achievement motivation and job performance of extension workers in Eastern Thailand. It also studied the relationship between achievement motivation and selected factors such as personal and job characteristics, job characteristics, and work environment. The relationship between achievement motivation and level of job performance was also examined.

One hundred and ninety-two extension workers and 58 supervisors served as respondents of the study. Data were gathered using a questionnaire and were analyzed using the measures of central tendency, chi-square test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. On the average, most of the extension workers were male, about 30 years old, and have been working as extension workers for eight years. Their parents' standard of achievement, warmth, and encouragement were high but their authoritarianism was low. They have low aspiration but good work attitude. About half of the extension workers c laimed that the autonomyin their work was low. Their work entailed various tasks, had identity,and enabled them to effectively receive feedback.

In general. the quality of supervision was good but peer-group relation was poor. Most of the respondents served small groups of farmers and most of them agreed that the area of assignment was not problematic. They perceived the quality of service system from the Department of Agricultural Extens ion (DOAE) as good. Most of them received rewards from DOAE.

The majority or the extension workers had a high level of achievement motivation and job performance. especially in training and meeting.

Aspiration, parent's achievement, parent's warmth and encouragement, and attitude toward work were found significantly related with achievement motivation. Among the different job characteristics, variety in task. work feedback, and task identity were found significantly related with achievement motivation. Work environment such as supervision, peer-group relationship, quality of service system, and reward received were also found significantly related with achievement motivation.

The chi-square test result revealed that achievement motivation was significantly related with job performance of extension workers.