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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Career Success Factors among Academics in an Agricultural State University in Jambi, Indonesia

(Indonesia), Master of Management in Agribusiness Management (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Field Study Abstract:


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between career success of male and female academics in Universitas Jambi, Indonesia and personal/ demographic, professional, and organizational factors.

This study employed qualitative and quantitative analysis. The descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, and mean) was utilized to come up with a profile of male and female academics. Multinomial logistic regression analysis, on the other hand, was employed to determine the functional relationship between the independent variables and career success.

Based from the results of the study, the factors which had a significant effect on career success among all academics regardless of gender were the following: (1) personal factors of education, income of spouse, and number of dependent children; (2) the professional factors of total individual articles, extension activities, participation in trainings, job tenure, number of years the current functional grade has been obtained, past and present positions in the university, knowledge of statistical computer programs, and access to computer at home; (3) work strategy factors of searching for projects based on capability, attending trainings, devoting more time to write articles and other activities in the university, engaging in teamwork in research, and publishing; and (4) career support factors of perceived bias in the performance appraisal method and access to development opportunities.

Among male academics, the factors, which were found to be significant on career success, were the following: (1) personal factors of education, income of spouse, and number of dependent children; (2) professional factors of total individual articles, job tenure, number of years the current functional grade has been obtained, past positions in the university and knowledge of statistical computer programs; (3) work strategy factors of challenging work assignments to develop skill, devoting more time to write articles, engaging in teamwork in research, and publishing; and (4) career support factors of having mentors and access to development opportunities.

On the other hand, among female academics, the factors, which had a significant effect on career success, were the following: (1) personal factors of current position of spouse, income of spouse, and number of dependent children; (2) professional factors of total subjects per semester, total individual articles, participation in trainings, job tenure, number of years the current functional grade has been obtained, past and present positions in the university, and access to computer at home; (3) career strategies of searching for projects based on capability, attending trainings, accepting challenging work assignments to develop skill percentage to other activities in the university, engaging in teamwork in research, and publishing; and (4) organizational factors of perception of bias in the performance appraisal method and access to development activities.

Recommendations were formulated for the Agricultural university to enhance the career advancement of male and female academics. To facilitate the career advancement of both male and female academics, the university should provide scholarships and funding, encourage academics to publish articles, conduct researches, and provide seminars, workshops and trainings, among others.

For male academics, the university should enhance mentoring system, and encourage them to participate in extension work and other activities in the university.

For female academics, the university should facilitate the offering of course on statistical computer programs and encourage them to attend in-house trainings on English proficiency.

Furthermore, recommendations were also made for male and female academics to enhance their career success. On their part, male and female academics should improve their written and oral communication skills, and pursue further studies for promotions and self-satisfaction.

For male academics, they should identify their mentors in their units/departments who can extend them guidance and support. Female academics should try to negotiate for more family/life-friendly work policies (i.e., flexi-time and childcare facilities).