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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Rural Poverty and Indebtedness: A Study in Three Thai Villages in Nongbua District, Nakhonsawan Province

(Thailand), Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Sociology (Universiti Pertanian Malaysia)

Dissertation Abstract:


The nature and characteristics of rural indebtedness and poverty in three villages in Thailand were investigated. The study revealed that commercialization of agriculture increased cost of farmers' investment in farming. Their way of life also changed and tended to rely on the outside market for most things, even for food. Deforestation of the study areas caused severe environmental degradation. Poor soil condition was the major direct contributor to people's low incomes, thus the large number of poor villagers.

Commercialization of agriculture pushed farmers to acquire loans. However, lack of land titles deterred farmers from going to institutional sources of credit that offered low interest rates.

Many farmers were in debt because of high expenditure for both farm inputs and household consumption and low yields caused by drought and pests. Other factors associated with farmers indebtedness and poverty were government programs, lack of land or land title, credit accessibility, price fluctuation, ecological degradation, poor soil conditions, gambling, extravagance, laziness, drinking, and drug addiction . The main solution to poverty and indebtedness of farmers was to find additional non-farm and off-farm work. Other proposed so lutions were application of "safety-first" principle through sustainable agriculture, sub-enterprises and direct marketing, and strengthening of credit unions, cooperatives, and savings groups.