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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Socioeconomic Characteristics of and Decision-making Among Members of Samahang Nayons in Pila, Laguna, Philippines

(Philippines), Master of Science in Community Development (University of the Philippines Los Baños)



The study dealt with the role of farmers in rural development. Specifically, it described the characteristics of farmers associated with decision-making and the extent of participation of the officers and members of the Samahang Nayons (farmers' association) in the decision-making process. The study was limited to existing Samahan Nayons in Pila, Laguna, Philippines.

Data were gathered from 197 members of farmers' associations through personal interview, using the before-and-after interview guide with the assistance of social laboratory technicians. Other baseline data and information were collected from progress reports and other sources. Simple arithmetic analyses, such as means and percentages, were used to describe the data.

Findings of the study revealed that 80 percent of decisions were made by members of the association as a body; 98 percent favored the way the associations made decisions by considering the majority opinion; in the case of the adopt ion of new technology, 89 percent consulted field technicians before making decisions; more than two-thirds of the respondents had attended training courses; 89 percent expressed willingness to attend future training programs for additional knowledge; almost three-fourths of the members felt some important changes in their life status after joining the association; in terms of services, 88 percent were assisted by the associations in their farming needs such as processing of bank loans, securing farms supplies and equipment at lower costs, and marketing of farm products.