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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Varying Levels or Concentrate Supplementation in a Rice Straw-based Diet for Milk Production

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Animal Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


Responses of lactatiing cows to varying levels of concentrate supplementation to rice straw were studied using 16 Holstein-Fricsian cows arranged in randomized complete block (RCB) design with four treatments.

The study was conducted at Baturraden Breeding Center in Purwokerto, lndoncsia for 120 days. Concentrate supplement containing 18-20 percent crude protein (CP) and 60-70 percent total digestible nutrient (TDN) was given to the animals based on their milk production at the ratio of 1:1 (kg of concentrate to kg of milk) for treatment I, 1:1.5 for treatment II. and 1-2 for treatment Ill. Rice straw-Molasses-Water Mixture (RSMW) was fed adlibitum. Animals under treatment IV, which served as control, were given concentrate and napier grass following the usual feeding management of Baturraden Breeding Center.

Animals under treatment 1 consumed significantly (P<0.05) more dry matter (19.01 kg/day) than those under treatment ll (15.52 kg/day), treatment Ill (14.17) kg/day), and treatment lV (11.71 kg/day). Likewise, significantly (P<0.05) higher intakes of CP and TDN were associated with the animals under treatment l as compared to the rest. CP and TDN intakes of treatments I-IV were 2.50 kg and 11.13 kg. 1.65 kg and 8.40 kg. 1.19 kg and 7.10 kg. and 1.30 kg and 7.60 kg. respectively.

Although milk producuon of the animals under treatment I was the highest among the four treatments. daily milk production and total milk production of treatment I were significantly different only from those under treatment lll. While fat and protein contents of milk produced by lhe cows under treatment I and IV were similar, their values were significantly lower than those under treatments Ill and II (except with milk protein content in treatment Il).

Income over feed cost of treatment I was the highest among the four treatments,  although it was not significantly different from that of treatments II and IV.

Results indicated that rice straw can be used as the sole roughage source for dairy cows provided that concentrate supplement with high protein (18-20% CP) and energy (68-70% TON) is fed at the rate of one kilogram of concentrate for a kilogram of milk produced.