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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Rice Farmers Perception of and Attitude Toward Agricultural Extension Work and their Adoption or Recommended Farm Practices in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Agricultural Extension (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


The study generally aimed to determine the rice farmers' perception of and attitude toward some aspects of extension work and their adoption of recommended farm practices.

Respondents were 144 rice farmers in rice farmers' group in four kecamatans (districts) in Kabupaten Maros, South Sulawesi, lndonesia.

The respondents had a mean age of 40years. Fifty-three percent of them had primary education. and their farming experiences averaged 21 years. Their farm size averaged 1.24 hectares, with 42 percent being owner-operators, and their annual income averaged Rp428,060.76. Fifty- three perent had less frequency of extension contacts (less than 16 times/year) while length of membership in rice farmers' group averaged 2.5 years.

The findings revealed that the majority (67%) of the respondents were high perceivers of extension work. Among the factors consideredd in the study, only extension contract and length of membership in the rice farmers' group were found to be significantly related to perception of extension work.

Seventy-one percent of lhe respondcms had favorable attitude toward extension work. Age, educational attainment, income, extension contact, and length of membership in the rice farmers' group were significantly related to attitude toward extension work.

There was a highly significant relationship between perception of and attitude toward extension work. More than half (57%) of the respondents were high adopters of farm practices recommended.

Both perception of and attitude toward extension work were  significantly related to adoption of recommended farm practices.