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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Sampling Methods and Specifications for Different Tree-Size Stands

(Indonesia), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

six sampling methods were studied to compare their accurancy for estimating stand volumes and their efficiency based on size of variance and time spent in the field measurement. Three fixed-area- -plot (FA) and three variable-area-plot or pint sampling (PS) specification were investigated and compared with a control or standard plot. Three types of stand were used, based on the size of predominant trees in each stand.

Statistically, the estimated of the stand in the volime my the six sampling methods gave the levels of accuracy,hence non of the method could be identified as more accurate than the others. However, analysis of the time spent in the field by sampling methods of specification, first by ANOVA and then by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, demonstrate that PS 6 was the most efficient among all treatments.

Based on the sampling efficiently criterion suggested by Mesavage and Grosenbaugh, PS 6, PS 2 and FA 10 were found to be equally efficient for small tree-size stands (10-30 cm dbh.); PS 4, PS 2 PS 6 and FA 10 for medium tree-size stands (30-50 cm dbh); and the control, PS 6 and FA 20 for large tree-size stands (50-70 cm dbh).

Since PS 6 was consistently identified as one of the efficient sampling specifications for all tree-size stand classes and because it involved less time for field measurements, it stoll out  as a comparatively reliable method of forest inventory field sampling