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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Effect of Sodium Selenite and lpil·lpil Leaf Meal Feeding on Reproduction and On Certain Morpho-physiological Stages of Growth or Albino Rats

(Indonesia), Master of Science in Zoology (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


Two experiments, using 44 sexually mature female rats (Mus norvigicus albinus) and their 109 offsprings (63 males and 46 females), were conducted te evaluate the comparative effects of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) and giant ipil-ipil leaf meal (GILM) on reproduction and on certain morpho-physiologica stages in the growth of albino rats.

In the reproductive study (Experiment I) the rats were randomly distributed, using randomized complete block (RCB) design into 11 treatment groups consisting of 0, 0.5, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10 ppm Na2SeO3, and 4, 7, 10, 14, and 17 percent GILM. In the growth study (Experiment II), the offsprings were randomly distributed in a 8 x 2 x 2 factorial in CRD with unequal replications. Treatment diets were composed of the same five levels of Na2SeO3 and three levels (4, 7, and 10%) of GILM. The effects of sex and type of feeding were also evaluated.

Results showed that high levels of Na2SeO3 (e.g., 7.5, and 10 ppm) and GILM (e.g., 14 and 17%) significantly depressed the breeding efficiency by lengthening the estrous cycle interval and the dietrus phase and by increasing the number of breeding services of the rats; significantly reduced hematological values (e.g., RBC, hematocrit, hrmoglobin, WRC, and basophils) and selected organ weights (e.g., liver, thyroid, and pituitory glands); markedly increased the serum glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) value and caused certain histopathological changes on selected endocrine and hepatornal tissues as compared with rats in the control group.

Experiment II showed that feedtng the offsprings high levels of Na2SeO3 (5 and 7.5 ppm) and GILM (7 and 10%) failed to influence the local weight gains of rats although the total feed consumption, hematological values (e.g., RBC, Ht, Hb) and selected endocrine, hepatorenal and spleen weights were significantly reduced as compared with the control group. Likewise, the effect or dietary treatments on the estrous cycle of the rats and on histapathological changes of selected tissues were similar to those shown by the mother rats to the previous experiment. Significant interaction effects of Na2SeO3 and GILM levels, sex and type of feeding on initial weight,  total weight gain, feed efficiency, hemotological values, testicular measurements, and pituitory gland and liver weights were discernable in the rats. Moreover, sex significantly influenced the performance of the offspring with the male rats, which showed heavier initial and eight weeks weight, totaI weight gain, consumed more feeds, had better feed efficiency. and had higher RBC and hematocrit values than the female rats.