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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Influence of Pre-plant Tillage, Seeding Rate, and Weed Control Method on Weed Population and Performance of Wet-seeded Rice

(Indonesia), Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)



Weed population was more affected by weed control treatment than tillage system or seeding rate. Hand weeding was the best way to decrease weed biomass. Weed control method effect was more pronounced on rice performance than tillage system or seeding rate. The grain yield of UPLRi-5 rice variety was affected by tillage system, weed control system and interaction of seedling rate, and weed control method. Conventional tillage resulted in higher grain yield than those of stale seedbed system.

Hand weeding once and twice did not affect grain yield which likely depended on percentage of productive tiller and unfilled spikelets/panicle. However, at seeding rate of 80, 120, and 160 kg/ha. The highest grain yield was obtained from hand weeding once but was not significantly different from hand weeding twice.

On the other agronomic characrers of rice, conventional tillage resulted in higher productive tillers as compared to stale seedbed tillage.

Some weed control methods had no significant effect on leaf area index (LAI) at vegitative stage, blooming days, and 100 percent grain weight. However, it increased grain yield, percentage of productive tillers, percentage of filled spikelets/panicle. LAI at blooming stage, dry matter production at vegetative stage, and plant height at harvest time.

Seeding rate had no effect on rice performance execept on percentage of unfilled spiklets/panicle. Percentage of unfilled spikelets/panicle increased with increasing weeding rate. In all three seeding rate. In all three seeding rates, unweeded treatment yielded the lowest percentage of productive tillers