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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Studies on Some of the Factors Relating to Loss of Protein During Rice Milling

(Malaysia), Master of Science in Food Science and Technology (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study sought to determine the extent of protein loss during rice milling and the effects of mill type and settings on such loss. Rice varieties used in the experiment were IR 20, IR 26 (both medium-bold subtype), IR 30 and C4-63 (both long-slender subtype). Milling was done by Satake Abrassive Whitener and the Minghetti Cone Mill.

The degree of bran removal was found to be the main factor affecting the loss of protein during milling. The extent of bran removal, however, was affected by the physical dimensions of rice grains, the time duration of milling, the type of whitening machine used and the clearance between the cone surface and the rubber brakers of the machines.

In general, the longer the time duration of milling, the higher the loss of protein. The loss was less in the medium-bold subtype than in the longslender subtype rice varieties. The Satake Abrassive Whitener gave higher protein loss than the Minghetti Cone Mill. Increase in clearance between the cone surface and the rubber brakes in the latter resuled in decreased protein loss.

Depending on the degree of bran removal, losses of protein differed significantly among the rice varieties and type of machine used. In producing undermilled rice, losses of protein were found to be approximately 8 to 10% medium-milled rice, 15 to 20% and well-milled rice. more than 20%.