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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Sources of Farm Information of Rice Farmers in Four Philippine Barrios

(Malaysia), Master of Science in Development Communication (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was conducted to investigate the mass media facilities of farmers, their information use behavior and their views on the credibility of selected information sources.

Data were gathered through interview of 200 rice farmers in barrios San Antonio, Pansol, Labuin and Tubuan in Pila, Laguna. Means, percentages, makings, chi-square test and the one-way classification analysis of variance were used in data treatment.

The mass media facility possessed by the great majority(89%) of the farmers was the radio. ABout 15% also owned television sets. Possession of these two electronic media was above the minimum level set by UNESCO. Other mass media used were farm bulletins(70%), leaflets(30%) and newspapers(13%).

Of the 4.9 sources used by the farmers for getting farm information during the last two years, 3.2 wre personal agricultural agency sources. Among the sources used, other farmers ranked highest(95.5%), followed by the UPLB-SEARCA Social Laboratory technicians (84.5%). Other frequently mentioned sources were the rural bank supervised credit technicians(63%), the radio(55%) and the NIA technicians(54.5%). The most influential sources in helping make farm decisions were the Social Laboratory BAE technicians.

For information on farm pratices, farm supply and credit, the farmers were more inclined to use non -agency sources. They tended to use both sources for additional farm information.

The credibility ratings of all personal agency sources were higher than those of personal non-agency and mass media sources. Users of all the sources of farm information had higher credibility than non-users.