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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

An Economic Analysis of the Factors Affecting HYV and Fertilizers Adoption in the Province of Negeri Sembilan, Peninsular Malaysia

(Malaysia), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The broad objective of the study was to determine the economicand non-economic factors which influenced the farmers' decisions to adopt HYV and apply chemical fertilizers and its impact on total rice production.

A stratified two-stage sampling was used to select the villages and farms while regressiopns models were employed in data analysis. The total sample consisted of 160 farmers. The study covered the wet season 1976-77 and dry seasons 1977.

At the village level analysis, extension and irrigation were found to be highy significant and positively related to higher percentage of HYV adoption and higher levels of fertilizer application. Villages within the F.O.A. oragnic area and with poor irrigation.

The farm survey analysis indicated that earlier adopters tended to have higher adoption of HYV and to use higher levels of fertilizers. The hypothesis that adoption or non-adoption by farmers was due to their respective advantages in their own particular enviroment and social setting, was found not to be true. The main factor constraining the adoption patterns was the level of extensions services, while smaller farm size and owner-operated farms were conductive to adoption. Small family size was uniquely related to HYV adoption, while only I.Q. of the farmers was positively associated with higher levels of fertilizer application. Higher yield per acre was directly related to higher level of feryilizer application, smaller farm size, deeper water in the field, and higher I.Q. and techinical knowledge of the farmers.