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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Socioeconomic and Dietary Factors Affecting the Nutritional Status of Preschool Children in Catarman, Northern Samarr

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study was  undertaken to determine the socioeconomic and dietary fatcors affecting the nutritional status of preschoolers in Catarman, Northern Samar. The data were collected from173 households in 9 barrios of Catarman. The greates bulk of the prescholers were 4 to 5 years old, comprising 95 males and 78 females.

Findings revealed that more than 50% o fthe children were suffering from malnutrition. Almost one-half-(45.5%) were first degreen malnourished, 11.0% second degree, and 2.9 third degree malnourished.

Most of the preschoolers belonged to low-income families with 6 to 8 household members. Farming was the major occupation than the mothers. The majority (66.5%) of the families had a low level of living.

The calorie and protein intake of practically all the preschoolers of various age groups was short of the recommended dailt allowance (RDA). However, the protein intake of the 1-3 year oldd approximated the RDA. The most common sypmtoms of protein-calorie malnutrition(PCM) observed in 101 malnourished children were pallor, pot belly, moon-face, and thin, sparse, lack-luster hair.

Correlation anaylsis showed that the nutrional status of the preschoolers was significantly related to family income, parents' occupation and educational attainment, level of living, food expenditure, nutrition knowledge, and the children's intake of calories and protein.  Household size was the only factor not significantly related to nutritional status.