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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Faculty Mobility in Selected State Colleges and University in the Philippines

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The main objective of the study was to determine the nature, extent and factors of faculty mobility in selected educational institutions. Problem before and after quitting teching jobs were also investigated

Respndents were 160 faculty members of four state universities and one institute, who quit teaching from 1966 to 1971. Data were gathered with the use of a mailed questionnaire and analyzed employing the turnover formula, chisquare test, frequency counts, percentage, rank orders, mean and standard deviation.

Result showed that mobility consisted mostly of resignations and transfer. Direction of mobility was more towasrd private business enterprises than towards other government agencies. Average turnover rate during th five-years period under study was 7.19 percent.

Mobility was found to be associated with salary, lenght of teaching service, professional prestige, academic rank and security of tenure, but not with age,sex marital status, family size, major fields of study and educational level. Chiefreasons mentioned for quitting teching were inadequate salary, better opportunities in other occupations and discriminatory administrative practices. Problem met by the respondents in their new jobs were practically the same as those encountered in their former positions.

The study suggested adoption of policies that would give teachers greater remuneration, security of tenure, fringe benefits, better working conditions and opportunities for advancement, to minimize withdrawal from the service.