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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Work Experience in the Vocational Agriculture Program as Perceived by School Adminitratirs, Teachers and Students in Selected.

(Philippines), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The study sought to determine the desirability and educational implications of  the work experience aspect of the Vo-Ag program as perceived by administrators, teachers and students of agriculture schools.

The study covered six agricultural schools in six provinces of  Western Visayas. Needed  information was gathered with the use of  a questinnaire. Statistical tools employed in data treatment were means, frequencies, percentage, ranks, medians, ranges and standard deviations.

Findings revealed that all respondent groups considered work experience education as desirable because it enables students to develop a better  understanding o f the meaning of work.  Both groups also agrred further that participation in the work experience   should  be on its complementary value  to the students' general education. Both faculty and students agreed further that participation in the work experience  program should be voluntary rather  than require d of all students.

Agreement of all groups was also expressed on the need to inform prospecti ve employers as to what the school expects about the work experience program, emphasis on vocational exploration, and following the program with a discussion course.

The majority of the students opined that work experience was of much value to themm had increased their interest in and understanding of academic work, and had influenced  their vocationalplans to great extent. More than 75% of the faculty and students accepted the desirability o fthe following aspects of the work experience program: crop and animal projects, supervised farming, school grounds beautification and landscaping, and membership in the FFP and FAHP chapter organizations.

The findings imply that on acocunt of the desirability of work experience in the vo-ag program, a minimum requirement should be maintained for the immediate future and expanded one should be developed. However, there seems to be need for : (a) aneducational program that would thoroughly explain the philosophy, desired outcomes and values of a work experience program; (b) adoption of the theory-and-praticum scheme of work orientation; and (c) pre-evaluation of desirable work experience that should include love for work, effiecient work habits, creativity and productivity that shoul be internalized by the students.