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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Teacher Education Program of the Bureau of Vocational Education.

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


                The study sought mainly to assess the quality of the teacher education program of the Agricultural Education Division of the Bureau of Vocational Education as perceived by the students, instructors, critic teachers and selected administrators and supervisors.

                The study covered four major vocational agriculture teacher training institutions of the BVE, together with seven of their cooperating schools. The respondents consisted of 66 junior and senior college students, 13 instructors, 25 critic teachers and 9 administration and supervisors. The datewere gathered with the use of an interview schedule. Frequency counts, percentages, measures of central tendency, ANOVA, F test and Scheffe’s test were used in data analysis.

                Findings revealed that, based on the ten selected features used as criteria, the overall quality of the BVE Vo-Ag teacher education program was adjudged fairly good by the four groups of respondents.

                All the respondents perceived the curriculum as the strongest aspect of the program, while three groups (excluding the students) considered placement and follow-ups of the graduates as the weakest feature of the program.

                The students rated instructional facilities and resources as the weakest of the program and guidance and counseling services as the second weakest.

                Students and critic teachers were congruent in their perception of the guidance and counseling services of the program as the second most critical aspect of the system. On the other hand, the choice of instructors and administrators/supervisors for this category was student recruitment and selection.

                The students and instructors were consistently the most conservative evaluators of the programs. They also had an identical mean evaluation score on the program’s overall quality.

                In general, results of the study point to a wide room for improvement as regards the overall quality of the system. Varying evaluations of the respondents suggest particular emphasis on three aspects of the program: instructional facilities and resources, placement and follow-up of graduates, and guidance and counseling services.