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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Role Performance of Barrio Council Members in Community Development Infrasfrustructure Projects in the Province of Laguna

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The study sought to determine the degree or extent of the role performance of barrio council members in community development infrastructure projects under Republic Act No. 3590, and to investigate the relationship between personal and related leadership factors of barrio council members, mediating factors as perceived by the respondents, degree of awareness, type of CD infrastructure projects, perceived benefits and role performance.

                The locale of the study was Laguna Province involving 16 barrio councils in 11 municipalities. The data were gathered through personal interview and examinations of records of barrio council members. Percentages, means, frequencies, and standard deviations were used to describe the data and the chi-square test, for crossbreak analysis.

                Findings revealed the most of the barrio council members belonged to the 31-40 age group; 43% had stayed in the barrio from 31 to 45 years; and more than 50% had formal schooling from 4th to 6th grade.

                Most of the respondents were farmers, laborers, and fishermen. Annual income of the majority ranged from P1,001 to P3,000. Mean household size was 7 members. More than half had attended training activities, and 58% were either former barrio council officials or officers of informal barrio organizations.

                Fifty-seven council members were found to have low role performance and 55, high role performance. Of the 55 high performers, almost all of those classified under high occupational status category had high role performance; the rest were from the low occupational status category of whom the majority were farmers.

                The following conclusions were drawn from the results of statistical an analysis;

1.       Barrio council members with high income are more likely to have high role performance in CD infrastructure preojects.

2.       High occupational status tends to enhance high role performance of barrio council members.

3.       Barrio council members with high leadership excellence tend to have higher role performance.

4.       Barrio council members with democratic-autocratic type of leadership are likely to have higher role performance.

5.       Unfavorable mediating factors as perceived by the barrio council members tend to enhance their role performance. The more problems they perceive in the implementation of CD infrastructure projects, the higher is their role performance.

6.       The more aware the barrio council members are of the provisions of RA 3590, the more likely for their role performance to be higher.

7.       Cd infrastructure projects based on the felt needs of people tend to enhance the role performance of the barrio council members.