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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

The Utilization of Human and Material Resources in Agricultural Schools and Colleges in Eastern Visayas.

(Philippines), Doctor of Philosophy (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Dissertation Abstract:


The main objective of the study was to determine the degree to which human and material resources in the agricultural schools and colleges in Eastern Visayas were being utilized (school year 1976-1977).

The data were gathered with the use of an interview schedule. The respondents, categorized into six groups, consisted of 20 administrators, 16 farm managers, 18 heads of related subjects, 13 supply officers, 25 instructors, and 118 teachers, or a total of 210 respondents. The data were treated and analyzed with the use of frequency counts, averages, percentages, ANOVA, and chi-square test.

Findings indicated that, on the whole, the school personnel were fairly utilized as human resources. The faculty were utilized very satisfactorily, while the supportive staff (blue-collar employees) were the least utilized.

Among the factors influencing the satisfactory performance of school personnel, adequate educational preparation was considered the most important by the respondents. The teachers/instructors and the administrators/supervisors agreed the availability of funds was an important factor in human resource utilization, but they disagreed as regards the effect of adequate supervision on satisfactory performance of school personnel.

Of the 18 probable factors identified as adversely affecting human resource utilization in the agricultural schools and college, the five most important one were inadequate funds, unrealistic fund allocations, inadequacy of some material resources when needed, absence of a workable long-term development plan, and inadequate reward and incentive system.

The school buildings and available supplies and materials were very satisfactorily utilized. Utilization of lands, library facilities, machinery and equipment, farm tools and working animals, was rated fair or average.

The most common factors perceived as adversely affecting the utilization of material resources were high production cost, lack of funds for operation and maintenance, reluctance of some teachers and staff members to assume responsibilities, poor care and maintenance of tools, and inefficient planning in the acquisition and utilization of supplies.

The four most common factors mentioned as influencing the satisfactory utilization of material resources were availability of funds, leadership, capability of the school administrator, competence, and qualifications of the school personnel, and availability of production inputs.