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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Leadership roles of the field technicians in organization farmer's associations.

(Thailand), Master of Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:


The study sought mainly to identify the leadership roles of the field technicians in organizing the farmer’s association in the UPCA/SEARCA Social Laboratory in Pila, Laguna.

Data were gathered by means Laboratory and all 104 members of the five farmer’s associations, namely: Pinangbayanan, Linga Labuin, Pansol and Bagong Pook farmer’s Associations.

The leadership roles of the field technicians in contacting and assembling the farmers for the first meeting basically consisted of “home visits” with the farmers and farmer-leaders and encouraging them to join the associations by explaining the benefits what would be derived from membership.

In planning the working toward agreement on organizing the farmer’s association with the farmers and farmer-leaders, the field technicians main activities consisted of (1) supervising and guiding the farmers in planning the organizing activities, (2) formulating the constitution and by-laws, (3) registering the associations, and (4) explaining the importance of and benefits derivable from farmers’ associations. Guidelines in organizing the association include identifying interested farmers and farmer-leaders, preparing needed materials, soliciting assistance of the farmer-leaders, and prepairing the calendar of work for the purpose of organizing.

Leadership roles in following through the plan of work consisted primarily of supervising and guiding the farmers in carrying out the activities and following through the organization plan.

The field technicians established contact and working relationships with other field agencies. They were also  in communication with the social Laboratory Project Leader and the UPCA/SEARCA staff through frequent meetings.

Problems met by the field technicians in organizing farmer’s association were: (1)how to tackle farmers varied reactions to the idea; (2)how to make farmers come to meetings on time;(3)how to apportion their  time for field office work;(4)how to contact several agencies involved;(5)how to accomplish specific work within the given time;and (6)how to overcome the inflexible working procedures of agencies of person outside of the association.