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Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD) - Call for papers!

Growth, Yield, and Nutrient Concentration of Two Rice Varieties Treated with Four Levels of Salt and Nitrogen

(Philippines), Master of Science in Soil Science (University of the Philippines Los Baños)

Thesis Abstract:

The effect of salt and nitrogen on the soil solution EC and pH and on the growth, yield, and nutrient concentration of IR52 and IR26 rice varieties were studied in a pot experiment conducted in the screenhouse of the Department of Soil Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB), Laguna, from 17 December 1982 to 23 April 1983.

Results showed that the soil solution EC increased, whereas pH decreased with increasing salinity. The different salt levels also significantly delayed flowering and harvesting; depressed growth and yields; generally increased the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, sodium, and chlorine; and decreased potassium concentration in the straw of both varieties.

However, varietal response to applied nitrogen differed. In terms of straw yield, IR52 responded more to the application of 90 kg N/ha to IR26 to 135 kg N/ha application. Furthermore, application of 90 and 135 kg N/ha increased the concentrations of nitrogen in the root and of potassium and sodium in the straw of IR52. The same nitrogen levels increased the concentrations of phosphorus in the grain and of potassium in the straw of IR26. The highest nitrogen rate (135 kg N/ha) increased chlorine concentration in the grain of IR52, but decreased it in IR26.