- Paperback 1656-4383
- e-ISSN 2599-3879
AJAD Vol. 16 No. 2 launches the new look of AJAD, highlighting the image of a molave tree (V. parviflora), prized for its dense, durable wood. A distinct part of the SEARCA logo, the tree has come to prominence in the journal’s new cover design, emphasizing a commitment to continually improve AJAD’s quality and broaden its reach across Asia and beyond.AJAD 16.2 features six papers from four countries: the first two measures rice production efficiency using data envelopment analysis (Myanmar), and performance of communal irrigation systems (Philippines); the next two tackles Indonesia’s agricultural households, particularly food demands, and income inequality of oil palm plasma farmers; another Philippine paper studies the technical efficiency and social capital in tilapia production; and the final paper discusses transformative learning ground-up approach to sustainable development in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.