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Rice Straw Biogas Hub
A collaborative climate mitigation project based in the Philippines, funded by Innovate-UK.

Work Package 3

Designing an energy-efficient milling machine

KoolMill Systems Ltd. is an SME delivering a modern, ultra-low power, simplified, and sustainable approach to cereal milling. In this project, Koolmill is developing an energy-efficient milling machine to enhance farm productivity and strengthen the market value chain.

The fabrication process is progressing smoothly. After several redesigns, the milling drum, which regulates machine performance, is now within specification. Additionally, the frame has been reinforced, and the top plate stiffened, ensuring optimal performance.

Several rice varieties have been mill-tested using the milling machine.

Currently, the team is commissioning its first Machinery as a Service (MaaS) contracted commercial mill in India. This will provide them with invaluable experience and data which will have a direct impact on the success of their introduction of Koolmill to the Philippines in 2025.

Work Packages

Establishing climate-friendly practices in rice production and farm operations through innovative technologies

Designing an energy-efficient milling machine

Analysing socio-economic and environmental perspectives on bioenergy generation

Exploring alternative approaches to reduce GHG emissions

Fostering a climate-resilient environment through sustainable rice straw management practices


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